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Apply for an NHSC Scholarship

To apply for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program, you must follow each of our requirements.

On this page:

What to know before you apply

Start the application process early. Allow time to collect all required and supplemental documents.

The answers in your application must match your supporting documents.

You must submit a complete online application by the deadline. We will not fill in or contact you for missing information.

After the deadline, we will not:

  • Accept materials
  • Accept requests to update a submitted application

What is a complete application?

A complete application includes:

  • Online application
  • All required supporting documents
  • Additional supplemental documents (if applicable)

Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) Customer Service Portal

You will apply using the BHW Customer Service Portal. Create a profile to apply.

Review the application sections

Refer to the NHSC Scholarship Program APG for the complete set of requirements and instructions.

What to know after you apply

You will receive confirmation after you submit the online application.

You'll be able to view the overall status of your application. You should download a copy of your submitted application, including supporting documents.

Can I make edits to my application?

Before the application deadline, you may edit your application and resubmit it. If you don't resubmit your application by the final deadline, we won't consider you for a scholarship award.

Can I withdraw my application?

You may withdraw your application at any time before the HHS Secretary (or their designee) countersigns your contract.

How can I check my application status?

The application review process takes several months. During this time, we will provide updates by email and on the online application status page, as applicable. You are responsible for ensuring that your contact information is correct.

How do you evaluate me?

We use various selection factors and funding priorities to evaluate applicants of NHSC Scholarship Program and determine who receives awards.

Note: We do not consider the number of years of scholarship support you request when determining whether you will receive a scholarship award.

How we notify you about awards

If we select you for a scholarship award, we will notify you by email no later than September 30.

To accept the award, you must respond by the deadline in the Confirmation of Interest email. If you don't respond by the deadline, your award offer expires. We will then offer it to an alternate.

After you respond, we will ask you to:

  • Sign the NHSC Scholarship Program contract
  • Complete the online banking form for direct deposit
  • Complete the W-4 form

Note: You must decline the award if you will not begin classes on or before September 30 of your application year. You must decline the award if you will be on a leave of absence from school through September 30 of your application year.

What happens if I don't accept an award?

You may decline the scholarship support without penalty.

Note: A decision to decline the scholarship award is final. You will not be able to change your decision.

When will you notify those who didn't receive an award?

If you don't receive a scholarship award, we will notify you no later than September 30.

Understand your contract & service commitment

Your NHSC Scholarship Program service begins after you sign the contract and the HHS Secretary (or their designee) countersigns it.

Can I terminate my contract?

The HHS Secretary (or their designee) may terminate your initial contract or an optional contract for subsequent years if you meet a set of requirements. Review them in the application and program guidance.

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